WHY???? (Part One)

WHY are attorneys so expensive?   WHY does my divorce cost so much?   WHY is my attorney bill so high?   WHY can’t you tell me what it’s going to cost me to (enter your legal action here)?  WHY do lawyers get paid so much?   WHY do I even need...

(Part Two)

WHY are attorneys so expensive?   WHY does my divorce cost so much?   WHY is my attorney bill so high?   WHY can’t you tell me what it’s going to cost me to (enter your legal action here)?  WHY do lawyers get paid so much?   WHY do I even need...

WHY???? (Part Three)

WHY are attorneys so expensive?   WHY does my divorce cost so much?   WHY is my attorney bill so high?   WHY can’t you tell me what it’s going to cost me to (enter your legal action here)?  WHY do lawyers get paid so much?   WHY do I even need...